In the rapidly changing work landscape, talent managers play a unique role. In our third annual survey, we set out to understand and report on their perspectives: ➢ Which skills employees must have to be competitive today ➢ The most significant people challenges currently facing organizations ➢ The most effective ways to develop talent in […]
The Future of Work 2018 – HDA and OI Global Partners Study
The future of work in 2017 – Employee key skill sets and talent drivers available at
The Future of Work HDA & OI Global Research Study 2017 Work is a rapidly changing environment demanding new and fresh employee skills. In addition recruiting and managing talent is essential to keep pace with the demands of a the work landscape. We recently conducted a survey to understand and identify the challenges. In this […]
Common Challenges for First-Time Managers (and How to Overcome Them)
Posted by: by Meredith Masse – USA Congratulations! You’ve been hired for or promoted to a management position for the first time in your career! This truly is an exciting day. It’s also a day that changes…everything. You were once the rockstar subject-matter or technical expert in your last role and, because of your success, they’ve […]
4 Ways to Be Viewed as a Vital Contributor to Your Organization
By Mary-Ann Gontlin – USA The economic climate continues to provide concern for many people with regard to job security and career opportunities. Unfortunately, some people do not grasp a very important fact: That companies today hire or retain people solely because they can effectively contribute to the success of their employer. Therefore, as an […]
Growing Markets & Professions: Where Should I Look for a Job in 2015?
By Holly Ewart – USA It’s already the second month of the year—how is your job search coming along? There are many aspects that go into a job search but two of the main things to consider are: 1) where the job is located and 2) in what industry. With the country finally coming out […]
3 Ways to Communicate More Effectively in Business
By Robyn Crigger – USA One challenge that I hear repeatedly from every business person and employer I encounter is that “poor communication” is a growing problem in business today. It is no surprise when you consider our extremely diverse workforce, as well as the popular use of technology. Both of these factors have a […]
How to Overcome Being Over 50 and Overqualified
By Charles Jannetti – USA I am not exactly sure why highly qualified candidates should be summarily dismissed from the selection process. This is a thoughtless and mean-cut posture often made by poorly trained hiring managers or weak HR employees. It is a copout statement. If they mean they are concerned that a solid candidate […]
5 Ways to Ensure You Won’t Get Hired
By Courtney Farris OI Partners – USA Today’s job market is an increasingly competitive landscape. While companies search daily for top candidates, many individuals experience a stalled job search, leading to frustration and anxiety. For some, a delay in landing a job can be due to just one or two blunders. Here are five ways to […]
Why You Must Quantify Results on Your Resume
By B McKown – OIGP USA What’s in it for them?” Your resume has to answer that question. If it doesn’t, you most likely will never get to present yourself to that awesome company where you envisioned working forever. Let me be blunt: Too often, job seekers think that the interview process is about them. It’s […]
Trust As A Key Value in Leadership
By R Crigger – OIGP USA The topic of “trust” may not be discussed in daily conversation; yet, when asking others if they believe most leaders are “trustworthy,” there would probably be a long pause. Since the television started bringing live news into our homes, our parents or grandparents will probably recall the “fall of […]