The Future of Work 2019

We all want to understand more about how organisations are solving their talent challenges in this fast-changing world of work. Can you help? It will take 4 minutes to answer a few questions about people issues in your organization.

The Future of Work 2018 – HDA and OI Global Partners Study

In the rapidly changing work landscape, talent managers play a unique role. In our third annual survey, we set out to understand and report on their perspectives: ➢ Which skills employees must have to be competitive today ➢ The most significant people challenges currently facing organizations ➢ The most effective ways to develop talent in […]

The future of work in 2017 – Employee key skill sets and talent drivers available at

The Future of Work HDA & OI Global Research Study 2017 Work is a rapidly changing environment demanding new and fresh employee skills. In addition recruiting and managing talent is essential to keep pace with the demands of a the work landscape. We recently conducted a survey to understand and identify the challenges. In this […]

Common Challenges for First-Time Managers (and How to Overcome Them)

Posted by: by Meredith Masse – USA Congratulations! You’ve been hired for or promoted to a management position for the first time in your career! This truly is  an exciting day. It’s also a day that changes…everything. You were once the rockstar subject-matter or technical expert in your last role and, because of your success, they’ve […]

4 Ways to Be Viewed as a Vital Contributor to Your Organization

By Mary-Ann Gontlin – USA The economic climate continues to provide concern for many people with regard to job security and career opportunities. Unfortunately, some people do not grasp a very important fact:  That companies today hire or retain people solely because they can effectively contribute to the success of their employer. Therefore, as an […]

Growing Markets & Professions: Where Should I Look for a Job in 2015?

By Holly Ewart – USA It’s already the second month of the year—how is your job search coming along?  There are many aspects that go into a job search but two of the main things to consider are: 1) where the job is located and 2) in what industry. With the country finally coming out […]

4 Keys to Successfully Onboarding A New Leader

By Pattie Prosser – USA One of the major downfalls for any leader in business today is the failure to successfully onboard into a new role—whether in an existing organization as a result of a promotion—or to a role with a new company. What a new executive does and doesn’t do in those first days, […]

3 Ways to Communicate More Effectively in Business

By Robyn Crigger – USA One challenge that I hear repeatedly from every business person and employer I encounter is that “poor communication” is a growing problem in business today. It is no surprise when you consider our extremely diverse workforce, as well as the popular use of technology. Both of these factors have a […]

How to Overcome Being Over 50 and Overqualified

By Charles Jannetti – USA I am not exactly sure why highly qualified candidates should be summarily dismissed from the selection process. This is a thoughtless and mean-cut posture often made by poorly trained hiring managers or weak HR employees. It is a copout statement. If they mean they are concerned that a solid candidate […]

5 Ways to Ensure You Won’t Get Hired

By Courtney Farris OI Partners – USA Today’s job market is an increasingly competitive landscape. While companies search daily for top candidates, many individuals experience a stalled job search, leading to frustration and anxiety. For some, a delay in landing a job can be due to just one or two blunders. Here are five ways to […]