By Pattie Prosser – USA One of the major downfalls for any leader in business today is the failure to successfully onboard into a new role—whether in an existing organization as a result of a promotion—or to a role with a new company. What a new executive does and doesn’t do in those first days, […]

By Robyn Crigger – OI Partners USA What employer wants to experience a downsizing? No one that I know! And yet this happens over and over. Is there a way to avoid a downsizing or find an alternative path? Not always, but YES, there are some proactive steps an employer can take if looking ahead […]

By R Crigger – OIGP USA “I’ve taken on more responsibilities after the company downsized, and yet my title hasn’t changed, nor my salary.” “With the tight economic times, I understood that the company couldn’t provide increases, but now it has been a few years and still no increases!” “Over the past several years […]

By S Ruhl – USA Hire slowly, fire quickly. Seems rather straightforward. But in reality, this is the exact opposite of how most companies operate. And it can seemingly be for good reasons—at least the quick-hiring part. Companies may find themselves in high-growth mode, and may feel that they need to fill positions quickly to […]

Posted by: C Rigger – OIGP USA Having worked with a multitude of companies who have had to manage a downsizing, I have observed many negative approaches to this process. As such, I know of better and more sensitive ways. The goal is to relay this difficult message to an employee in a sensitive way in […]

In my team building and executive coaching work, conflict is a topic that is frequently discussed. Conflict is viewed as a negative situation by most people—but it doesn’t have to be that way. Conflict, when handled appropriately, can lead to creative solutions, improved communication and teamwork, and a greater respect for others. Conflict in business […]